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A Forty Year Adventure

   After selling a business and getting divorced, me and an old service buddy were both fed up with our present geography. He was In Toledo flying small twin engine passenger/cargo planes. I was in Hartford getting divorced and trying to escape from a sour business venture with my a## still intact. It was winter 

and it was nasty cold. So off we went to Key West on what I thought would be just a nice extended vacation. I left 15 years later.

   This was 1979/1980. Key West was expensive, even then, and just starting to crank. I was there on that Easter Sunday when a large group of gay guys put on their Sunday best and marched down Duval in an impromptu Easter parade. This is what was to, eventually, become Fantasy Fest. A year or two later, Dennis Wardlow stood on the steps of city hall and seceded. The Conch Republic was formed.

   In the mid 80's I introduced BAR ROOM 'TAN' To Key West. It was a novelty body lotion that claimed to soothe "Bar Stool Blisters" amongst other mythical conditions such as "warm beer", "cold spouses" and "empty wallets". It met with some success but I was a single parent and money was tight and I let the idea slip away. I eventually returned to Connecticut and my vision care career.

   The idea never escaped my feeble mind. Now, 40 years later, as a 77 year old disabled veteran who has been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia, I started dabbling with a website and that idea has taken on a mind of it's own. This project started as hobby and if nothing else, it's fun!

   I hope that someday it will be my and the rest of the Pirate Mooners' ticket back to Key West for a great vacation. If nothing else, it keeps my mind active, as I attempt to defy the medical norm. I've visited Key West a few times since and I miss it more and more, every day.

   NOT TO WORRY. We will continue to be here. My son, "Monkey" Dave is lurking in the background and prepared to step in at any time.


Thank you so very much,

"Terrible" Tim


The Pirate Mooners

"Terrible" Tim



I was just thinking. Not much of a resume for the years I worked in

Key West.

The Atlantic Shores - GONE

The Ramada Inn - GONE

The Key Wester - GONE

The Inn At The Wharf - GONE

Shucker's Raw Bar - GONE

Bayside Suites - GONE

Captain Hornblower's GONE



"Princess" Penny



Penny and her husband, Peter, and her son, Matt have been friends for years. Unfortunately, Peter passed about a year ago and her son, Matt suffered an industrial accident about the same time.

A natural born nurse, the Princess has done more for my recovery than all the nurses, doctors, convalescent homes and hospitals, combined. I will always be indebted to her. Modern medicine sometimes tends to discount the human spirit - just my opinion.

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"Muscles" Matt



Matt is a Certified Auto Mechanic by trade. He is one of those guys who can fix anything and he is incredibly strong. He keeps our production line moving smoothly and as a hobby, he is becoming a superb cook. His rehab is progressing well.

"Mellow" Mushka



A 200 pound baby. This Old English Mastiff is the mellowest of dogs. UNLESS she senses a threat. She'll let out a growl that will rumble through the entire valley and If that's not enough she'll rise on her hind legs. At that point the threat decides it's time to leave and runs like hell.

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The Terrible Tan Co. LLC
Wethersfield CT 06109
Email: (or)
Telephone: (305) 619-0239

Copyright 2023
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